小明們誠摯邀請大家成為我們的「吃瓜明眾」! Ming Strike warmly invites you to become a Ming’s Friend!
運營Podcast三周年又五个月,我們决定推出自愿赞助型的付费会员計劃,與我們自主出版的第一本zine同步發佈! After three and a half months of podcasting, we've taken a significant step by introducing a sponsored membership scheme, coinciding with the launch of our inaugural zine.
這三年多走來並不容易,我們各自經歷了不同了人生階段,對這個podcast也開始有不同的想法,一直在思考:到底誰是我們的「觀眾」?海外華人的定位讓我們注定沒辦法成為主流論述,但如果你还在聆听,也许你会愿意跟我们继续这个旅程。 The past three years have been quite a journey. Each of us has traversed various life stages, prompting diverse reflections on our podcast. We've thought over our audienceship. Building a platform as overseas pan-Chinese, we understand that we would always be dealing with our in-between-ness. Yet, if you're still tuning in, perhaps you'd consider continuing this odyssey alongside us.@
感謝朋友們三年來的支持和陪伴,過去這些年,我們一直用公開免費的方式把播客當成是一個passion project。但在這個時間點,我們也希望能作更長遠的打算,從線上到線下,繼續推出更多辛辣、活潑、直白、嚴肅的內容。 We are immensely grateful to our friends for their unwavering support and companionship throughout these three years. Initially, we treated the podcast as a labour of love, embracing an open and unrestricted approach. However, at this juncture, we aim to chart long-term plans, intending to unleash more compelling, vibrant, candid, and thought-provoking content, both digitally and physically and in person.
現在成為我們的「吃瓜明眾」,可以收到以下一系列超值入會福利: Become a Ming’s Friend today and gain access to an array of exclusive membership benefits:

- Free copy of our zine "What Do You Say?": meticulously compiled, designed, and published by our team. The zine contains 36 pages with DIY inner pages and is designed to be bilingual (English and Chinese). (It normally retails at GBP10/RMB98 + postage)
- Access to exclusive podcast content
- Our arts & culture newsletter: we will share our recommendations of arts and culture events, things that fit our own aesthetics
會員年費僅為£15/年或¥138/年 The annual membership fee stands at just £15/year or ¥138/year
(未來價格可能會隨著新內容推出而波動) (Prices might vary in the future with the release of new content)
入會方式有两种:Joining is simple via one of these platforms:
- Buy me a coffee (GBP, supporting bank cards and Apple Pay)
- 爱发电(RMB結算,支持支付寶Alipay/微信WeChat)
期待與我們的支持者走進新的一年! We eagerly anticipate embarking on the new year with the support of our dedicated followers!